Wiki CPC Looking for coding/billing related jobs in GA or FL


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I'm interested in finding a position that is mostly remote in the Florida or Georgia area. Thank you for your consideration and any help you can give me! I'm new to the field and eager to advance!


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I'm interested in finding a position that is mostly remote in the Florida or Georgia area. Thank you for your consideration and any help you can give me! I'm new to the field and eager to advance!

To be quite honest, if you are new to the job you will be very unlikely to get remote work. A minimum of 3 years coding experience is usually required and you will probably need to pass a very difficult assessment test. The reason is that if you work at home, who are you going to ask for advice which you will most definitely need? Your employers need to know you have the ability to work accurately and efficiently which, without expreience won't be the case.
Sorry to be negative but it's the truth I'm afraid. Get some experience first.
Thank you...

Thank you, I really appreciate your input. I know that I need experience. Do you have any ideas about part-time positions in the Georgia area?