Wiki Cpc-h - study guides

Cpc-H Exam

Hi Tcarter,
I am studying for the CPC-H myself. I am scheduled to take it on May 18th. I have been trying to devote 2 hours "most" nights a week to the AAPC study guide that you can purchase on line. During the last week of this month I am going to purchase the online practice exams. My understanding is that they are almost an exact replica of the test? I am also going to be attending an study session through my local chapter this coming Saturday at one of the local hospitals in my area. I am determined to pass this test. If I can be of any assistance or if you have any questions you think I can help you with- please dot hesitate to ask me. I will be more than glad to help,

I just took the CPC-H, for the second time I might add, this past week. I have the AAPC Study Guide for CPC-H and I bought all three practice exams. The first time I took it, I was spending a lot of time studying everything all at once, but nothing closely enough. The study guide is a huge help. Make sure you pay very close attention to the payment methodology sections, and I also suggest you do all the assessments throughout the study guide. I used the exams, in the book and online, to focus mostly on all things, except for the coding for op reports. As long as you are comfortable coding, I would focus more on all the other sections of the exam, eg. coding conventions, payment methodologies, anatomy/physiology. I found that I was much more comfortable the second time around because I could answer these questions much faster and accurately than the first time I tested. When you take the exam, I also recommend you skip around in the sections and do all of these parts before you do the coding parts, as they take less time to answer and will leave with more time to code. Good luck!!