Wiki CPC-H Exam Prep!


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Question for anybody here who might have some insight. I am finishing up my education requirements for my medical billing and coding program, currently serving the final days of my internship. I want to pursue hospital coding and was hoping you folks could share your experience and knowledge with me in terms of the best way to prep for the CPC-H exam. Has anybody participated in the one-week boot camps and/or an online self-directed study course like those offered through AAPC? If so, what was your experience, good and bad, and would you recommend the same program? Thank you so much for any advice you can lend. :)
Mortal Groove,
I recently completed the AAPC's prep course for the CPC-H exam and was very pleased with the training and knowledge it gave me to pass my exam. I have been in the health industry for more than 20 years mostly in physician office settings and only started coding outpatient hospital services about 4 years ago. The course was broad and touched on scenarios I had not yet seen in my daily work. I don't think I could have passed the exam without it. I would highly recommend it. :) Good Luck!

I am also preping to take an exam but don't know whether to choose the cpc or cpc-h exam. Which pays more? I have purchased the AAPC cpc study guide because I originally thought I was going to take the cpc, but after doing a little research I am also interested in the cpc-h. I have been working in a hospital environment for 10 yrs and also completed a medical billing and coding program, so I am familiar with hospital practices. Any recomendations? Thanks in advance!!