Wiki CPC-H Exam -- I PASSED !!!!


I have a question. I have the CPC Study Guide & am wondering if that's enough to study for the exam. Please advise
Are you referring to the CPC or CPC-H Exam? Also, I think it depends on your experience. I have NONE - so for me, I used Michelle Green's 3-2-1 Code It book along with the CPC Study Guides, and practice tests.

For the CPC-H exam, I bought several short outpatient courses @ AHIMA - they call them CATS. Some of them were pretty good AND you received 3 CEUs for them as well. They have a 60-question Outpatient Exam that I took as well. See link:

I think it really depends on your experience as to what study aids one needs.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your response. I have experience I just never took the certification course. Thanks for your help.
I agree that it depends on how much coding you have done. Remember to go over terminology. Read the quidelines in your ICD-9 and CPT books. Knowing these will be extremely beneficial to you.
Alicia CPC, and almost CPC-I

It is different from the CPC exam. Not having ANY medical experience, I had a hard time with the General Knowledge Questions, i.e., anatomy, med. term, etc. I was surprised that there were NOT many questions at all on Reimbursement.

I didn't think the coding questions were that bad, there were 3 VERY LONG scenarios at the end, but there were also alot of 2-liner questions. So, I was able to get 45 questions done in my first hour.

Know your ICD-9-CM guidelines!

Cpc vs cpc-h

If I take the CPC exam and pass, will I be able to find a medical coding job with a local hospital even if I'm not CPC-H certified?
Wow!!!!!! Congradulations !!!!!!!!! this certification is next on my list. Now that you have passed what advice could you offer a person who want to pass. We know that endless days of reading is in order but any additional tips.


I was very surprised by the CPC-H exam. Being that the Reimbursement chapter in the Study Guide is enormous, I expected to be tested on alot of reimbursement topics - but there were hardly any. There were A&P, Med. Term, Guideline, General knowledge questions - kind of hard to tell you how to prepare for this part because the questions were from all over.

There were coding questions with JUST ICD-9-CM codes; questions with just CPT codes; and questions with BOTH ICD-9 and CPT. It was nice that they were each grouped together. So, you really have to know your ICD-9 guidelines AND CPT guidelines AND be able to apply them to the questions.
