Wiki CPC-H Exam - Did anyone taken

The format is exactly like CPC, with 150 multiple choice questions, the same 5 hours and 40 minutes allotted, and you are allowed the same three books: CPT, ICD-9 and HCPCS II. Some of the questions are similar, but the CPC-H is an exam that tests your proficiency in outpatient hospital coding. As such, the surgical coding is limited to those procedures done only in the outpatient setting, so there would be no OB coding or transplant coding, for example. You also must know and understand Revenue codes, APCs, UB billing and compliance. There are other subjects in the exam that are similar to the CPC, including A&P, terminology, CMS, and diagnosis coding. You should have a pretty solid understanding of how outpatient coding differs from professional coding, and I would also recommend both the study guide package and a bootcamp. I would't say it's a great deal easier than the CPC, it's simply different.
I took my CPC-H last fall. Pam is spot on in her assessment. There is way more emphasis on outpatient surgical procedures. It seems like there were somewhere between 20-30 op reports.

I took the CPC right after I finished my schooling and the CPC-H after I had 1 year working experience. I found the CPC-H slightly more difficult, as I only code a few outpatient surgeries per month in podiatry.
CPC-H Exam

Hello. How is everyone? I am also schedule to test for the CPC-H. I was wondering where could I brush up on the A&P's, and the payment methodologies? Are there any E/M coding questions? Thanks, for your help.

Renoma1, you can get the study guide, that is very helpful.

In order to review my A&P, I studied my Netter's.

You won't have to audit the E&M visits, but you will need to understand the key components, how the codes are reported, and the E&M rules. Check out the 1995 and 1997 guidelines from CMS.

CMS also has a list of Rev codes, but I don't recall that I had to memorize them...only had to know what they were. Your status indicators are in the front of the HCPCS II book. That book has a lot of information you will need to know. Study that book carefully and tab the sections.
Also be sure to understand the multiple procedure discounts - my exam had this. Don't worry about the math - the answers will tell you whether it is 50%, 25% and so on.

I didn't find the A & P too taxing - in fact, I dusted off my old A & P text from 19xx and it worked just fine. (Already feeling old - don't want to add to it with filling the entire year!) :(
As far as E&M goes, you won't have to do any auditing. You'll be given a scenario such as "mid level ED visit" and go from there.