Wiki CPC Examinee - needs some help !

Salem, Tamil Nadu
Best answers

I am appearing for the CPC exam next week end. I am a biologist by training and I am working i n New York as an, ' on site medical chart reviewer' , for a medical data informatics company . I have used the prep.books (CPC study guide /Manuals ) from AAPC in addition to Carol Bucks 2013 exam reivew guide.

I am a bit worried as I got only a 71 % in the mock exam (Carol Bucks Review guide) .I have only 8-9 more days in my hand to practice. Can anyone help me with tips and suggestion as to how to increase my score at least to 85 % .

I know I must go over my mistakes several times. Other than that, any tips, wise suggestions to practice smart will be very much appreciated .

Many thanks,
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This might help.

We're on same boat and this would be my 2nd attempt. Although I noticed that I can answer the questions faster if I go backwards. I scan the answer choices first before I read the question. ;)
CPC Exam

Highlight and group your CPT codes. Make notes in your books; especially in your weak areas. Try some coding videos on CPC exam. Read and understand your guidelines. Know what is included and excluded in the codes. Take any practice exam you can find. Take the pressure off and realize the first time you take it is a trial run! Don't panic, you can do this..good luck.
CPC Exam Tips

Only use the tabular in both the CPT and ICD-9 Books, when looking up codes to save time.
(You will not have time to look up each code in the index and then go to the tabular as you may have been taught in coding classes.)

As you look through the answer choices eliminate the codes that are featured in all the answers, and only look-up the codes that differ from answer to answer.

In addition to looking at the answer choices first, make sure that you highlight key words
in both the CPT and ICD-9 Manuals, when you review the rationale for the answers you got wrong.

Also pay particular attention to the Testing Techniques in the AAPC Official Study Guide.
For example highlighting the Exclusions, on the ICD-9 Codes was a big help for me.