Wiki CPC exam

Victoria, TX
Best answers
On 12.13.14, I took my CPC exam and I turned in my test before going back to the one I skipped, therefore, leaving it unanswered! I am worried now because the rules say do not leave anything unanswered, although with the exception of that, I think I faired well. How detrimental is that? Advise please!!! :eek:i
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No worries! The only consequence is that you have one less correct answer. The thought behind "leave no answer unanswered" is so that even if you guess, you have a 25% chance of getting an answer right. It's a best-case scenario. You just played the worst-case scenario--you didn't answer the question so it's counted as wrong. BEST OF LUCK IN PASSING YOUR EXAM!!!
Congratulations on taking the CPC exam. Do not worry about leaving one question blank. It will be counted as an incorrect answer, but there is no additional penalty for not answering all questions.

Take a little break from all of your studying and preparations, and relax! Enjoy the holidays!

Patricia Murrin, CPC, RCC
RE: Unanswered question on Exam


Congratulations on taking your CPC exam! I bet you did VERY well! :D

What is your next step after the holidays are over?

I hope your test results come soon as I know waiting is HORRIBLE!

Best of luck!

Cpb exam

Since I can't afford to go back to college to get my degree at this time, I decided to go for CPB ( Certified Professional Biller). any suggestions?

Beverly A Taylor, CPC
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