Wiki Cpc exam

I tabbed my coding books, and also had notes in the margins on the areas that I felt that I would want some additional clarification in.

I also took a practice test in advance and timed myself so I could start to better my testing (time management) skills.

I also brought plenty of number two pencils, erasers, and ear plugs so I could sort of tune out the background noise in the room and concentrate on the test.

Good luck!
There are a ton of threads with people asking the very same question, with tons of responses, in the Student Forum section.
Good luck

Remember, you cannot have any extra papers, notes etc, but you can write anything anywhere in your books! So anything that you need, perhaps E&M, CABG, etc...find either a note page or in the E&M section of your CPT, or Cardio section...write as much in as you can. They will flip through your books to make sure there are no loose papers, so don't use anything like that. You are allowed to bring BLANK paper for taking notes during the test, which they will collect along with your test book, but I found the extra paper isn't necessary. You can write in the test book itself and there is lots of room for that. As far as taking the test, be sure to watch your time! Don't spend too much time on any one question or section. Go thru them all quickly and answer any you can do without any research. Then go back and spend maybe 30 seconds per question, answering what you can that way. Save any that have multiple codes, the more codes in the answer, the later I attempted that question. But keep a very close eye on the clock at all times, it goes VERY quickly! I was lucky and passed my first time, and that is what I did....and it seemed to work for me. Good luck!
To TeddiBell:
Thank you for these tips.Absolutely helpful. I am currently studying to take CPC exam .I have a question. I read that it will take one month to process the application form for the exam, but I was wondering how long did you have to wait for the date of your exam from the time your application form ($325) is processed?