Wiki CPC exam sign up question


Crestview, FL
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I just became a student member of AAPC and am trying to sign up for an exam in June. I selected the CPC exam and when I went to check out, it said the exam was 300 dollars when I'm supposed to get a student discount that makes it 260. Is there something special I have to do to get that discount or something? Can anyone help?

I would make sure that when you registered, that you did so while you were in your AAPC account which will ensure that the system registers and recogniiiizes you under your AAPC Membership number. Otherwise, if this does not work, I would give AAPC a call first thing Tuesday morning. Hope it helps. Don't let anything distract your train of thought from your exam. It can be resolved. Good luck.

I think you might have misunderstood, which is an easy thing to do. I believe the discount is for AAPC students, as in someone who is currently taking classes with the AAPC. The student membership, however, means you are taking classes somewhere else. If you are not taking classes with the AAPC, then you have to pay the full price unfortunately. If you are an actual AAPC student though, and are still having issues I would give them a call.

Hope this helped & the best of luck to you on your exam!! :D