Wiki CPC Exam Scores - Though I was tickled pink


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Though I was tickled pink that I passed the CPC exam, the conformation letter did not display the actual scores. Is there a way to find out what your actual scores are?:confused:
Excellent question! If you find out, please let me know. I've been pondering the same question ever since I passed back in 2005.
Great leadership

Thanks abishard!

That's great news Rhonda. Not knowing my exam score prevents me from building my profile when writing letters to those elite coding jobs; especially management positions.

Has anybody noticed the wonderful advanced changes happening ever since President Pew took the helm of the Academy? E.g. CEU process (although a little heavier on the wallet), new chapter development; etc.

Let me know what you think?
That's great. I would have liked to have known mine as well. Will we be able to go back and get them?
Passing exam

Not concerned with score, would be nice, but how do I check to see if I passed??
Not concerned with score, would be nice, but how do I check to see if I passed??

My biggest confirmation was seeing the CPC behind my name when I logged on. However, you can go to My Account- My Events- Past Events- Details and you should see your test and the results if they are available yet.
AS of 1-1-09 they are now going back to letting you know the test scores in the 3 sections of the exam. I know for 07 and 08 io=you CANNOT get a test score only PASS or FAIL.
Why need score?

I do not understand this hysteria about knowing your score.

How will you feel if you lose out on your dream job because your competitor's score was 1 point higher?

Do you ask your doctor what his/her place was in med school. What score s/he got in anatomy?

Do you ask your CPA what his/her score was on the CPA exam?

Do you ask your attorney what his/her score was on the LSAT?

No ... the credential is the credential. It's been earned; the exam was passed. End of subject.


F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC

:confused:Does anyone know what percentage you need to pass, or the number of points you have to get right to pass the test?
I do not understand this hysteria about knowing your score.

How will you feel if you lose out on your dream job because your competitor's score was 1 point higher?

Do you ask your doctor what his/her place was in med school. What score s/he got in anatomy?

Do you ask your CPA what his/her score was on the CPA exam?

Do you ask your attorney what his/her score was on the LSAT?

No ... the credential is the credential. It's been earned; the exam was passed. End of subject.


F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC

Well stated.... I've heard other's recently state they wish AAPC would have stuck with the Pass/Fail.
I like knowing my score for my own personal interest; however, I would never dream of putting my test score on my resume. As far as I'm concerned, whether you achieved a 98% or a 70%, you are still a CPC.
The only complaint I've ever had about the AAPC was that when I took the test they did not give me my scores. I am glad to hear that they have changed that process. It is only natural to want to know how you did. Just like in school when you want to see your grade on a test. Those of us that passed the test by the skin of our teeth would want to know which section we didn't do so well in, in order to help brush-up our skills on that section. Also, if you you fail the first time around, if you know your scores then you know what to study prior to your 2nd attempt at the test.
L.Warner, CPC.
How to get test score on aapc website

I was told that you can now get your test score from the aapc website, does anyone know how? Please advise
At the test I was told it was 70%, I was told I could find it under my aapc log in with in 3 weeks, and I would also receive it in the mail. Good luck.
Scores - The reason I like to know scores

The reason I like to know scores for the areas is to satisfy the quest for improvement, to be the best I personally can. Knowing those weak spots provides that opportunity. Kudos to all those who seek to elevate their knowledge in order to help those healthcare teams they serve be the best possible in their field. America can use more of that, to be certain. Thanks, Rhonda, for helping the AAPC to serve we who count on it to keep current in our chosen careers.
Nervous In Houston tx

Where in the APPS web site do I go to find out my test score for the CPC exam I took 5 business days ago::confused :(

xrn5122, I presume you mean where on the AAPC site.
Just log in and if you have passed it will say welcome, your name CPC. if the results aren't yet available it will say 'pending'. If you have passed/failed, it will give your %score but you won't get a breakdown of each section.
Test results


I would like to obtain my test results to see where my strength and weakness are and which sections in coding I can focus on finding a job.

Thank you,
I took my test July 31st and I just found out today I passed. It take at least five days. I told me it depends when the proctor mails back the test and it can update on the website anytime during the day. Good luck.:D
Does the mandatory 'break up scores' for each section still in vogue or just overall pass credentials of 70% will do ? I would like to have the most recent and the reliable answer for this,please.
Thank you
I took my CPC test less than a year ago. The information I had about it was, and is, that: You must pass each section with at least a 70%. If you pass, you do not receive a breakdown of your score from each section, only an overall score. I can still view my score from 9 months ago on my AAPC home page down on the left hand corner under "Purchases" by selecting my purchase for the exam. Hope this helps a bit.

Whitney CPC-A

Has anyone taken and passed the CPC-H? If so what recommendations do you offer for passing the test. Also, is the CPC easier than the CPC-H.... Please help will be taking the test in November.
70% is passing. I took the CPC test last September and failed with a 69% then took the retake 2weeks later (and 4 days before I had my Daughter!) and passed with a 74%!!! Just in time!!....We named her Catherine Pearl Thomas....CPT for short!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!
E.Barden,CPC :)
I like knowing my score for my own personal interest; however, I would never dream of putting my test score on my resume. As far as I'm concerned, whether you achieved a 98% or a 70%, you are still a CPC.

70% is passing. I took the CPC test last September and failed with a 69% then took the retake 2weeks later (and 4 days before I had my Daughter!) and passed with a 74%!!! Just in time!!....We named her Catherine Pearl Thomas....CPT for short!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!
E.Barden,CPC :)

I wonder if the exams are scored the same in the entire U.S. or if it varies by state.. I live in TX... Anyone know?
CPC Exam scores

Hello :)

I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to get your CPC exam results online? I could never find a clear answer to this.

Most people told me they got their results (online) the following Friday after they took the exam (which was on a Saturday.)

I took my exam on 09/25/2010. Can I expect to see my results today? I am so super nervous!!!

Thank you,

Hello :)

I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to get your CPC exam results online? I could never find a clear answer to this.

Most people told me they got their results (online) the following Friday after they took the exam (which was on a Saturday.)

I took my exam on 09/25/2010. Can I expect to see my results today? I am so super nervous!!!

Thank you,


I took my exam on 09/10/10 and when I logged in on 09/17/10 I had my results. It was actually faster than I had originally thought it would take! Good luck!
I too took my exam on 9/25/10 and got my results online late last night. It is very nerve racking. I found myself checking the aapc site a couple times a day. Good luck!!!

cpc exam

Hello to anyone out there. I've taken my CPC exam in Mech. Pa and failed. I'm resheduled to retake it in Dec. I've had anxiety attacks over this and I'm so stressed out over the exam and finding a job, etc. Can anyone give me any pointers and advice. Freda
Didn't pass my CPC exam, THIS TIME...

Took it Sept. 18th! But I didn't feel that I had passed it.. and didn't deserve to. I took too long on some of the E/M section questions/scenarios and then by the time I got to the end, I had to guess... And we all know that in a real coding job.. you shouldn't and can't "guess"... But will take it again in Dec. So I've already started reviewing! Also, have to stay on top of my medical terminology and abbreviations...

I didn't heed to the suggestions.. when I should have.. when taking the exam. I need to look these up in the discussion forums and make sure my coding books are marked so I can find the codes quicker.
CPC Exam Score

I took the CPC exam on October 30th and found out via the AAPC website that I had passed, 7 days later. The page did have a view score option, then. The documentation I received back in the mail, 6 days after my score posted online (and on my birthday), showed that I had passed and gave the score, but no other details about weaknesses and strengths.

I just thought I'd pass that along for those who were wondering. Thank goodness I passed. Bless Carol Buck's review guide. Anyone thinking of taking it should buy it and the AAPC practice tests; they're both such valuable exam prep.
I took my exam on Nov. 13th and I'm dying to know the results! I've been checking the website everyday several times a day.... I know it's ridiculous but it's consuming all my thoughts! lol
how to prepare for the CPC exam.

I am taking the CPC exam in Dec. 11th and was wondering if anyone had any advice how the best ways to prepare myself for this exam. I mean was there a specific pre-test that really helped you. Just wondering because i really want to pass. :eek:
Finding results

You can find your exam results by logging in with your username/password, highlighting your mouse over the "My AAPC" button, clicking on "Purchases/Items" and then clicking on the "Exams" tab. From there by clicking on "Details" you will find the details where next to results it will either saying pending, pass or fail. If it has been graded you can click on "View Score" to see the specific details.
I called aapc and asked if the scores and be e-mailed to me and i got them.
exam scores

Hi! I'm still able to access my exam score - from the main AAPC page, on the left is "my purchases" - click on this & then the tab "exams" - then "details" (in blue), then
view score" - hopefully this will help :)
I wonder how long they mail the letter of passing or not.

I just took my test CPC 2nd retake on saturday dec 8. I don't know my score and I don't know yet if I passed or not. I'm just nervous on what to look at.

I did feel much better taking exam 2nd time better than the first but I don't know if I passed and if my score is much better than my first time. Sometimes I'm dreaming that I passed but then is that dream true?? would I fail and pay another test? Let's hope not.

And I would hate to pay another exam again since I currently don't work and have much money to do so.
Hi! I'm still able to access my exam score - from the main AAPC page, on the left is "my purchases" - click on this & then the tab "exams" - then "details" (in blue), then
view score" - hopefully this will help :)

hope you guys got good exam scores and passed. :)
Exam results

I took my test on the 13th and had my results by the 17th. It gave me the actual overall passing score but did not break it down into each section.
I have taken the exam twice and failed both times, one 66% and the other a 65% - it tells you which area you failed on the test, on the AAPC website but not which questions were wrong. I.e. every section you scored less than 70% they showed 4000, 3000 etc etc. anything that you passed 70% or above, they do not show. Hope that helps!
I took my cpc exam last January 17,2014 and wondering how many DAYS will it take me to wait for the result, im kinda nervous of the result..:(:confused:
