Wiki CPC Exam Review


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I will be taking the CPC Exam at the end of the month August 2013..I have the exam study guide but I was wondering if there was anything else that I should be reviewing before the exam.


I will be taking my CPC exam for the second time on August 24th. I would suggest working on time management. I was confident that I would pass when I got there. The proctor said that if you took the class online you wouldn't pass, which that made me nervous. I kept double checking my answers and that took up my time. When we hit the 30 minute mark, I had 30 more questions. I had to fill in about 20. When you get your scores it tells you what percentage you missed the most. I failed the exam because of the ones I had to fill in. So I would get more practice test and practice managing your time.
I think that is so unprofessional for the proctor to say if you took an online class, you woudnt pass! I guess Im up a creek.

Where is your test site? I am also scheduled to take the exam on August 24. My test site is in Culver City, California.
The classes are helpful, as well as the study guides and practice test. However the bottom line is your experience overall. Whether you took a face to face class, online class, etc, it is your back ground in the medical field and overall knowledge that will see you through. I have taken 3 test now and thankfully have passed them all. It comes down to being prepared, relaxed, and not double checking your answers. Go with your gut instinct. If you question the answer circle it in the book and if you have time at the end you can go back and check otherwise, go with your gut. Second guessing will kill you....this is where time management comes in. Good Luck!:)