Wiki CPC exam requirements question


Newport News, VA
Best answers
I'm currently taking the online course, but I've been a medical transcriptionist for 15 years. Would I still need to take the medical terminology and anatomy courses in addition to the coding? I'm wondering if all of it is required to sit for my CPC exam.
Anatomy class

I strongly suggest that you take the anatomy class. I have worked in a hospital for 38 years and thought I knew it all. From inpatient to outpatient and back again. When I took the class I found out that I didn't.
Hey Karen - I also am a life-long transcriptionist but went ahead and took the A/P course offered on site. I was soooooo glad I did this! It is presented in a different way. I would also strongly suggest you take it. Good luck - I just took the exam and was able to pass on the first try! Best of luck to you as well!
I was in billing for 15 years and learned med term and anatomy on the job. I did not take the extra course and I passed on my first try. If you "know" the meanings of med terms then you'll be fine. Otherwise I suggest taking this course.
Thanks for the responses.

Even after doing transcription for 15 years, I know I don't know everything, and I'm certain I never will :) I hope I know enough to pass without adding those classes.