Wiki cpc exam - practise at home

Manassas, VA
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Hi anyone can help me what to do for pass cpc exam i took 3 times now forth time i scare,beacause i can not finish all question,i did that practise at home and i did it.please help me somebody,
dont take the test as a coder, take as a test taker. for example, on each question, there are going to be two answers you can automatically exclude. use your process of elimination. then your're only working with two possible answers instead of four. if you have to, work backwards. look up your answers in the coding book and see if the answer matches the question. remember to answer the questions you know first. skip around in the test, just make sure you are marking the correct boxes for your answers. in your test booklet, circle the ones you skipped so you can find them easier when you go back. write in your test booklet. cross out the part of the question that does not help you and circle the part that does. if you have long questions, get rid of the info that does not help you find your answer (the useless information). and keep a general clock on how long you have for each section of the test. i did er coding before i took the test, so i found the E/M questions the easiest. doing those first helped calm me down and helped to set a pace. do what's strongest for you first. good luck
Also prepare your books by aplying colored tabs to the sections and important notes. Highlight and note the key words under every code (with vs without). This saves time thumbing through the books.

Also skip past questions that are too difficult and do them at the end. I found that they were much easier to answer. And as DAVIAN above, eliminate the two answers right away. This is a huge time saver.

Good Luck!

Melissa Harris, CPC