Wiki Cpc exam - incomplete is this possible


Phillipsburg, New Jersey
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I TOOK THE EXAM ON 11-14-15. I found a couple questions incomplete is this possible on the exam? Meaning the question where not clearer or did not have enough information.
I did have one question where one of the answers codes was transposed but it was the only one that worked so I added comments on the front page of the form. It was not an E&M one though.

For E&M, they don't always give you History, Exam & MDM levels (HEM). Sometimes they leave one out and you have to either figure it out with information in the question. I found if you follow the steps of figuring out location or level of care (IP, OP, Obs, Critical care) you may not even need to look at the (hem) or Time ended up being the factor.
I also took the COC exam on 11/14/2015 and I find that time is a factor. I already have my CPC certification and went from ancillary to coding SDC. I took the accelerated CPC-H course and the only billing knowledge I have is from the course so my knowledge of billing is limited and when it got down to 30 minutes left I had to guess at some of the questions which will probably impact my score. I feel that the test should not be timed and for me quality is better than quantity.
Cant wait

I too took the exam 11/14/15, and I do know that there are many version of the test. I use practice exam to study and in those exams there were unfinished question. Now the wait kills me, I want to know:eek: :p
I did have one question where one of the answers codes was transposed but it was the only one that worked so I added comments on the front page of the form. It was not an E&M one though.

For E&M, they don't always give you History, Exam & MDM levels (HEM). Sometimes they leave one out and you have to either figure it out with information in the question. I found if you follow the steps of figuring out location or level of care (IP, OP, Obs, Critical care) you may not even need to look at the (hem) or Time ended up being the factor.

I was talking about the overall test!
I must have had a good version, I found very few issues. maybe 3 max? I wrote up all that I found, I know if you get one wrong and have a good rational they may just give you the point.