Wiki CPC Exam-I just recently took

Pearland, TX
Best answers
I just recently took my test on May 9th, unfortunately i didnt pass. Can someone provide information as far as what is helpful and what not? I did get back my results and it looks like i need to focus on certain areas. Any advise is greatly appreciate.

Review of the Guidelines is Key

The review of the OGCR for ICD 9 or 10 CM are vital to passing the exam, I offer tutoring assistance in the form of CPC Exam Preparation Training Course, email: for additional information
Simplify the cases. Code what was done (CPT), and why it was done (ICD-9). Leave out all of the other nonsense. Focus on what matters. Be as specific as possible.
for questions on surgeries or procedures, I did not waste time reading the entire op note. I started with the answers; compare the code in answer A in your cPT book to what is in the op note. I.e. the approach, open, closed, type of repair, type of burn... and so on.
Train your eyes and brain to jump to core specifics like these to quickly eliminate wrong answers. Also look at the post-operative dx on the report. The dx and CPT both come into play with the elimination process. If the post op dx states morbid obesity, look up this dx in your ICD-9. (I have billing experience so many codes I have memorized to a degree which helped me... not sure what your background is...) If only one answer out of 4 has the icd-9 for morbid obesity listed in it, there is your answer. No need to look up the other 3. I finished with an hour to spare by using this method on many of the questions.