Wiki CPC Exam Help!

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I need some input on how to finish this test on time, I am having to take it for the 3rd time, missing passing by 4 points...if anyone has any practice test that can help me get faster and more accurate, would you please share?! Thank you:confused::mad:
My advice would be a few things. First make sure your CPT book is tabbed, as well as having your guidelines highlighted in your ICD-9 book tabbed. Know your guidelines that will help you a TON. If you know your guidelines, it will make process of elimination much easier. Also, 99% of the time at least two of the choices that you have are way off. Do a process of elimination and get rid of at least two of the answers you know are not right, often times I found it easier to eliminate based on if a dx code is needed and I know they are wrong. I would suggest NOT to skip around on the test because it is very easy to loose your place on the answer sheets. If you have not taken the CPC course on the AAPC site, I would suggest taking the full course that provides you with practice exams which are very similar to the real test. The course is very good, and goes thru each section very nicely. They also have a study guide which I found to be very helpful. I have been coding for 16 years, and just took the course this past May. I finished up in August, took my test in September and passed on my first time. I would suggest the course to anyone. Good Luck, and I hope this helps some. :eek:
I started the test backwards, from end to begnning. Try getting through the ones you know better first, as you would move faster and have the time left go through the ones that you need more time for. It seemed to have worked for me to get the ones I was more comfortable with out of the way first. But what works for one might not work for another. Good Luck!

Roxana Bejinariu, CPC
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I need some input on how to finish this test on time, I am having to take it for the 3rd time, missing passing by 4 points...if anyone has any practice test that can help me get faster and more accurate, would you please share?! Thank you:confused::mad:
... I would suggest. Doing the problems that are less time consuming first: In my opinion the Common Easy sections are:
Anatomy and Physiology (8 questions)
Compliance and Regulatory (5 questions)
Medical Terminology (8 Questions)
Coding guidelines (6 questions)
HCPCS (5 questions)
Anesthesia (8 questions)
ICD-9 ( 10 questions)
Total of 50 questions can get answered in about an hour,

Another thing to that works:
Identify the chapters that are most simple and or challenging. Then develop a plan for yourself, and work the plan. One strategy that I used, E/M first (it was my strength), Integumentary 2nd (My strength), Digestive (My strength), Radiology (Moderate strength), Pathology (My weakness), Genitourinary (My strength), Musculoskeltal (My strength), Cardiology/Respiratory(Moderate strength), Medicine (My strength), Neuro/Eyes Ears (Weakness).....In that order. I also had a watch that i set to (quiet vibrate) every hour, and I made sure that I was on pace to do 30 problems per hour. I can honestly say that 2.5 hours in I had completed 100 questions, but Fatigue set in and I moved at a slower pace for the last 50, but I finished.

I used the Chun technique to notate my CPT manual so I can identify the correct code more quickly...

Finally, I purchased The tests and quizzes only provided by the AAPC, because they best reflect the questions on the actual exam, and practice them over and over. I hope these techniques help..

Good Luck,
