Wiki CPC Exam 12/14/2013

East Providence, Rhode Island
Best answers
Hi everyone! I just took the CPC exam on Saturday and feel okay about it. I didn't find the test too difficult and I finished an hour early. I think is psyched myself out reading so many things about the exam and how hard and intimidating it is!!! Now I need to wait it out for my results.

Does anyone know when I should see my results posted online? God, I hope I didn't fail!

I did the practice exams and was scoring anywhere between 65-82%
I do cardiology coding for a physician's office inside a hospital
I've taken A+P and Med Term.

Do you think I did okay????

I took mine on 12/14/13 and I'm still waiting on my results. Last time I took it on a Saturday and knew my results by Wednesday. I'm sure you did well. I on the other hand don't feel good about mine. I passed the first time with an 83. Hopefully I passed this one too.

Good luck,
Kayla, I took my exam as well in Charleston. I wonder if we were in the same place. I have been stocking the results page as well. Good luck. :)
CPC exam

I tooked mine in New Orleans, La, and PASSED!!!!!!! with a 70% recieved results on Tuesday morning. I didn't find it to hard, so I'm shock I recieved a 70%, but a pass is a pass :):):):)
I sat for the exam in Glendale, AZ on the 14th as well and found out last night that I passed with a 74%!
I took an online course and finished it last November and hadn't really used any of the information since. Crammed in the Blitz the week before the exam and didn't get around to taking any practice exams.
CPC Exam

I also took my CPC Exam on Saturday 12/14/13 and I got my results today and PASSED! I was so excited. It's all about the guidelines. Never give up! Never Give up!

Kentucky Wildcats!:)
I Passed Also!

I took my CPC on the 14th in Meridian, Idaho. The results were posted Tuesday night. Must have been s good test day. I also passed, first try.:D
I also took the exam on 12/14 and still do not have the results. Am i the only one who hasn't received them yet?:confused:
on website

Did you look on the AAPC website. Under my purchases/receipts. Then click the exam place. Your results will be there.
waiting for results..

For all of you who posted that you had taken the test this past December... how long did it take for the results to show??

I took my exam 5/31/14 and at least 2 people have already found out if they had passed/failed. I am STILL waiting **NOT so patiently**.

The results area has gone from "in transit" to "received" to "grading" and now has been on "grading for over 2 days... any ideas on how long it generally takes?? Thanks! =)
Also have 'grading' status

Everyone except for me has found out their results and mine still says 'grading', which changed this morning from 'received'. I'm wondering if it's a system problem or some of my bubbles weren't filled in properly. How long did it take to finally change from 'graded'??
waiting for results

So, how long was it before you finally found out your results? Did you pass? I took the test on 9/20/14, and it finally said "grading" last Thursday. It is now Monday night, and it still says "grading" when I log in. Any thoughts? Thanks!