Wiki CPC Certified prereq's


Framingham, MA
Best answers
I heard that in 2014 you will need to have an Associates Degree to become CPC certified. Does anyone know if this is true and/or where this is stated?
I would contact someone from the board and ask them. Dont panic till you have all of the correct info on this. (I am lucky to be taking mine before the end of fall of this year.)
i emailed a stafff member from AAPC and you do have to have your Associates to sit for the exam. This is for right now in 2013.
It's true that the AAPC does not require (although they do recommend) a degree to sit for your certification, but I am finding more and more that physician practices, hospitals and healthcare organizations are requiring a degree for their revenue/billing/coding staff. If you don't have at least an Associate's degree, and you have more than 10 years until retirement, I'd encourage you to strongly consider furthering your education, if you plan to continue in this field.
Thats strange..I emailed back and forth with a Rebecca and she emailed me saying that it is required. This was just last night. It threw me in a spin and had to see if my previous college training was indead an AS program..luckly it is and I was relieved. I am wondering why there are different answers to the question. It would be nice if someone from AACP could post the answer on here.
I have just emailed AAPC and asked them to clarrify this question....will keep everyone posted on their responce.
You do NOT need an Associates to sit for boards. The CSR that I have been emailing back and forth mispoke in saying that it was required.