Wiki cpc certification


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Good evening,

I am a recent graduate of a medical Billing and coding program and I am now studying for cpc certification. I work full time and I am a mother and a wife. I study while at work and on weekends and yet I still feel like it is not enough and that I know the material but yet I'm still lost. I guess I am just looking for advice or pointers from anyone who has been in my shoes and can kind of give me a strategy or ideas on how they were able to juggle everything and feel prepared enough to actually sit and pass the cpc.

#Signed Terrified Yet Determined

Thank you for all the feedback and ideas. anything helps!

I've taken the test over a year ago. The only pointer I can really give you is to study the surgery section, most of it is over that area. Make sure you put tabs with the name section AND the codes of that section in all of your books so its easier to flip in your book. The test is Multiple choice and you have 5 hours but i still had over 40 questions left by the end of the test; which i guessed on the last ones, because its better to have an answer and maybe get it right than it is to not answer and fail. I unfortunately made a 65% so the guessing really paid off!! When you think of medical terminology i saw it as being more of medical vocabulary. You can write in the blank spaces of your book and make sure that you definitely tab the anatomy sections of the front of your HCPC book that will come in BIG handy!! Good luck! :D
Good evening,

I am a recent graduate of a medical Billing and coding program and I am now studying for cpc certification. I work full time and I am a mother and a wife. I study while at work and on weekends and yet I still feel like it is not enough and that I know the material but yet I'm still lost. I guess I am just looking for advice or pointers from anyone who has been in my shoes and can kind of give me a strategy or ideas on how they were able to juggle everything and feel prepared enough to actually sit and pass the cpc.

#Signed Terrified Yet Determined

Thank you for all the feedback and ideas. anything helps!


I took the exam back in 2013 and at the time I was fresh out of school with a newborn and a toddler so I can relate to trying to study when everybody needs you for something :) When it came to studying for the exam I felt like reviewing all my notes and examples from class was the best way to go, and I even purchased the practice exams and never ended up using them, there are a lot of websites you can go to and get case studies that you can practice with also.

I made sure the days leading up to the exam I didn't study and just tried to relax and not overwhelm myself with whether I would pass or not or what information I really am not that sure on :) I feel like you can go over something over and over but still not know it.

On the day of the exam I felt so nervous and wasn't as confident in myself as I should have been, but tried to keep the mindset that although I feel like I am not ready for this exam I had gone through the program and if I could handle that I can handle a silly little exam :)

Everyone takes tests in all different ways I didn't have anything tabbed in my books, time myself, or anything just coded the questions and I finished 40 minutes early :) I didn't find that any section in particular was focused on more than others and I do think that people make the exam seem so treacherous and almost impossible (at least that was the case when I was in school). I did have quite a few fellow test takers say they did not manage their time well and had to guess on a few answers I tried to set aside the questions that I knew were going to take some time and get through the ones that I could answer right away. Just make sure you are comfortable and you will be great I'm sure!
After I passed my exam I was employed within a week with a wonderful clinic and I am now a Coder II with a large healthcare company local to me.