Wiki CPC Certification


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I am looking into becoming CPC certified but not for sure if I should do it strictly online or via virtual classrooms...any suggestions? I heard that coding is hard and would like any input before paying out all this money for the online course and fail the test. HELP!
It really depends on your learning style and how much, if any experience you have in the medical field. If you are brand new to medical, it might be best to have a classroom enviroment, so that you can ask more questions and have a person to go to.

It it a fun and challenging career. I wish you the best of luck.
I have 16 years experience so I am not new to the field, but I have never been an actual coder....but thanks for your help.
I had no human medical experience, just veterinary, which still helped as far as anatomy and physiology. I've always been a good student, but I can't imagine doing a coding program online. I read the books ahead of time, and most did not make sense until the instructor explained it.

Just my opinion!