Wiki CPC certificate

Marathahalli Post, Bangalore
Best answers

I need help to get my CPC certificate. I passed my CPC exam in last year under corporate membership.

But I have bond with company for 2 years. Currently i have completed 1 year 4 months. But due to some personal reason i am planning to change my job.

So How can I get my certificate & My member ID card, when i am not completing my bond in this company.

Is the company will cancel my membership or my cpc certification.

My corporate membership is going to expire in the month of march. If i renew membership with my own expense, is it possible to get my cpc certificate.

Also i have another individual membership id also, but currently it is not in active. I have not renewed yet.

What are the possibilities to get my certificate. Please help on this.

Thanks & Regards,

Its wonder the corporates can cancel the CPC certificate or cancel aapc membership, but for my knowledge they can remove you from the Corporate membership in such case you may need to renew. Right now you login into the aapc site to upload your photo and can download your membership ID. Possibly you can email request for CPC certificate and get it.

I need help to get my CPC certificate. I passed my CPC exam in last year under corporate membership.

But I have bond with company for 2 years. Currently i have completed 1 year 4 months. But due to some personal reason i am planning to change my job.

So How can I get my certificate & My member ID card, when i am not completing my bond in this company.

Is the company will cancel my membership or my cpc certification.

My corporate membership is going to expire in the month of march. If i renew membership with my own expense, is it possible to get my cpc certificate.

Also i have another individual membership id also, but currently it is not in active. I have not renewed yet.

What are the possibilities to get my certificate. Please help on this.

Thanks & Regards,


You are probably going to need to call AAPC and ask them.
Company can remove you from the corporate AAPC membership any time. Corporate membership may be until end of March but you can be removed before then. AAPC will bill you for prorated individual membership.
There is no way for company to cancel your CPC but if you don't pay the bill AAPC sends, they will cancel your CPC and you will have to take the test again.

AAPC doesn't send out AAPC membership card any more. You can download your membership card from the AAPC website:

I don't have a copy of my AAPC certificate anymore (its just used for decoration or to show your friends) but any future employer can verify certification on AAPC website.

I need help to get my CPC certificate. I passed my CPC exam in last year under corporate membership.

But I have bond with company for 2 years. Currently i have completed 1 year 4 months. But due to some personal reason i am planning to change my job.

So How can I get my certificate & My member ID card, when i am not completing my bond in this company.

Is the company will cancel my membership or my cpc certification.

My corporate membership is going to expire in the month of march. If i renew membership with my own expense, is it possible to get my cpc certificate.

Also i have another individual membership id also, but currently it is not in active. I have not renewed yet.

What are the possibilities to get my certificate. Please help on this.

Thanks & Regards,


If they paid for your training, testing and memberships, there is also likely an early termination fee you will be responsible for. Read your employment contract for the details.