Wiki CPC-A

Dallas, GA
Best answers
Good Afternoon,

I have recently passed the CPC exam and looking for pointers on finding a job. Where I work now, there aren't many openings.

Thanks in advance!
Get a job

Go to every AAPC member meeting! Meet and greet. Talk to everyone there about jobs. Look on this site, especially under your local chapter for job information. On the internet, look at the websites of all the major hospitals, nursing homes, doctor's offices, etc. and look under their career or job tabs. Good luck!
Before you get started with the big job hunt, create a goal of where you'd like to be at in 5 or so years. Then add what you want to be doing in 10 years. Having this perspective is really helpful in keeping in perspective what you want to do next. Then chase that dream by using everything you have learned.

I do agree with prayercoder that networking is often very helpful in landing that first coding job.

However, before you might get there you may have to grab a related-but-not-quite coding job just to get your foot in the door. Jobs like Patient Registration, Billing, Pre-Registration/Authorization, Medical Office Specialist, Customer Service rep (at a healthcare facility), to get you some health care experience. You might get lucky and get snatched up right-away by a company who is just looking for CPC-As, but you will have to find those. If you are able to land any of the previously mentioned jobs, ensure your name finds its way to the company's Coding Manager, and that he/she knows of your interest to be a full-time Coder.

Be flexible. Are you willing to move/commute for the right job? If the job you're looking for isn't in your neighborhood, then you might have to take the leap to make it work. I recently moved for my new job and haven't looked back since.

Be proactive. What else can you do to attract a future employer? If you can afford it, consider signing up for the PractiCode to shave off one year of your Apprenticeship removal. Send out as many applications as you humanly can. I ended up applying to North Carolina, Minnesota, Texas, and other places state-wide, and I live on the West-Coast. However, I was ready to pack up and move to where I might have been hired.

The job I ended up with, I didn't apply to first. I was contacted by an HR recruiter because she had a job match based on my job profile (applications, resumes, etc). My point here being, be persistent! Getting a good job is often about timing, more than it is about qualifications. You can be the most qualified applicant, but not land the job due to the company is just not looking for another hire. I have run into that issue more times than I can count, but I have a job that has superseded all of my expectations.

Good luck! Feel free to reach out again if you have more questions. :)