Wiki CPC-A xtern


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I recently got my CPC-A and have no idea where to even begin looking for a training position. I've looked up the local xtern sites and sent emails asking about any info to them and I've yet to hear back from any of them (has been about a month).

Any tips? Is it better for me to go in person to these sites? I was also given the advice to just get my foot in the door at a hospital at any available position and work my way from there, is that something that can lead to me working as a coder within year.

Just getting a little worried that I wont find anything.
I have had the same no response from my local Project Xtern providers in my area. Very frustrating, Im not sure if the list is up to date. I emailed the manager of the program today, hopefully I will get a reply from her!
I've called one close to me also, the receptionist had no idea what I was talking about. I mentioned xtern or if they had any programs related to it and, as far as she knew, that was not something they did at that facility.

I'm also guessing the sites may be outdated...