Wiki CPC-A with ICD-10 Proficiency looking for Job/Extership in Biloxi, MS or near areas


Biloxi, MS
Best answers
I would love to have the opportunity to begin my coding career but have not found a place that would be willing to hire a new coder. I graduated from a coding program and an ICD-10 training and passed both certification and proficiency test on my first try! Please send me a private message to my email if you know of a position available to apply.

TIA :)
Yes, I have been looking for remote jobs as well including with Inovalon. But I sent him an email with my resume and so far I have no response. I have sent my resume to different recruiters that claim that are hiring new coders but they never answer or reply back. I am starting to think that they are just collecting information, so, I'm afraid to keep sending my resume to this recruiters online.