Wiki CPC-A who is looking for employment

Tacoma, WA
Best answers
I've been certified since February 2010 and have been looking for stable permanent employment as a Coder. I've done a lot of temporary work doing Insurance Follow up and Billing. I'm having the door shut in my face constantly and is starting to feel like I'm losing skills that I worked really hard to obtain by school and on the job training. With all the changes that are going on I feel lost. I'm able to accept employment in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, Tukwila, Renton, Kent, Federal Way, WA.

Thank you,
Kontessa Walker
Do not give up! Apply for any position that you can including receptionist, billing, registration, admitting, etc. I also went through city lists of doctor's offices and hospitals, went to their sites and emailed or put in a resume. Don't forget to post your information to your local chapter and network!
Willing and able

I have recently completed my associates and even though I was not feeling well went to take my certification. I am now prepared to go for a bachelor's but I would still like to find some employment in the office. Willing to relocate anywhere, sign a contract, and/or except a cut wage.