Wiki CPC-A w/experience in Medical Billing, Claims Proc.Ready to hit the ground running.


Upper Saddle River, NJ
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I obtained my CPC, because I am committed to assist providers in identifying coding errors and or omissions and improving their accounts receivables. In studying for my exam, I was able to realize the connections within the guidelines which assisted in choosing proper codes. One can never know each and every guideline, but one can aspire to obtain as much knowledge possible to be the very best at what they do. Until the opportunity for employment presents itself to me, I will continue to obtain CEU's through AAPC, the Medicare Learning Network and other sources while keeping myself abreast of changes as they occur in the coding field. I am highly adaptable, thorough and eager to learn. Should you or someone you know have an employment opportunity, kindly email me at and I will arrange to forward my resume. I am located in northern New Jersey, but would welcome the opportunity to work remotely should such be available. Thank you for your time & consideration.
Dawn Crotty, CPC-A
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