Wiki CPC-A Training Opportunity - West LA


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(Forgive me if this is not the correct forum to post this: I am a newbie at the boards.)

Below is contact information for Harry Asatryan with The Coding Source in West L.A.

This organization is looking to start a type of compensated training program for CPC-A coders where you would code for them for 6-8 weeks as a way of getting experience in coding and they may possibly be able to place you after the training program is completed.

As of now, The Coding Source is planning on starting this program in the daytime sometime later on this year, but Harry said depending on how many people contact him and are interested, a nighttime program may be a possibility also.

He didn't have much information so far, right now he is trying to garner as many names as he can so that he has an idea of how many CPC-As are interested in this.

He said to feel free to pass his contact information on to any CPC-As in the Orange County/LA areas who may be interested in this program.

Harry Asatryan
The Coding Source, LLC
Los Angeles, CA 90064
310.622.1001 ext. 264
310.744.0056 (Fax)