Wiki Cpc-a sincremay2013

Richmond, CA
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Hi Everyone,

I passed my CPC exam in May of this year. I'll have my certification for about 6 months now and I know as most people would have done. They'd have gone out and looked for coding jobs. Well that's what I did in the beginning, but most of the jobs I was finding were requiring years of experience. I've been at my job as a Medical Billing Specialist II for almost 2 years now. My job does not require CPC credentials since it's a specialty lab and not a doctors office. As much as I really want to go out there and find a medical coder job I'm hesistant to leave the job I have now because I feel really valuable and needed there and the benefits and my shares on the company are awesome. My 15 CEUs are due in February of next year and I only have 3 so far. I know I'm procrastinating on that part also. I just need advice on what I should do. What would you do if you were in my position. I'm also really wanting to remove the Apprentice title. Please guys... I need advice on what I should do.
Hi Sheila,
I'm in the same situation as you. I've been working as a Medical Billing Specialist for 4 years now in a Skilled Nursing Facility and i'm still a CPC-A. The only advice I can provide is just keep practicing your coding by earning your CEUs so you don't lose track of the changes especially with ICD-10 coming. I suggest joining a local AAPC chapter in your area as they have the current news in the field plus it earns you CEUs too. You can use the meetings to network and who knows, something might turn up. Also don't stop looking for a job. Just keep applying. :) Good Luck to you!