Wiki CPC-A seeking employment in Galveston, Texas area


Galveston, TX
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Hello! Just recently got my CPC-A on November 14th. Would love to work here in my hometown of Galveston, Texas, doing Medical Coding. I know this is probably an old question, but would appreciate any suggestions on how to find a position. Have checked the local hospital here and there are no coding positions posted at this time. Am considering doing the Practicode course to work toward removing the "A" from my CPC designation.

Any suggestions or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hello! Just recently got my CPC-A on November 14th. Would love to work here in my hometown of Galveston, Texas, doing Medical Coding. I know this is probably an old question, but would appreciate any suggestions on how to find a position. Have checked the local hospital here and there are no coding positions posted at this time. Am considering doing the Practicode course to work toward removing the "A" from my CPC designation.

Any suggestions or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Have you tried UTMB?