Wiki CPC-A seeking advice for future career :)

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I just recently obtained my certification as a CPC-A. Seeking any advice through this forum. I am seeking a part time remote position. I currently work as a dental assistant at a periodontal office in Ridgeland, MS. Attached is a copy of my resume. Willing to learn as much and to grow.

Thank yall so much!
Emily Herrington, CDA, CPC-A


  • 2024EAHresume.pdf
    174.3 KB · Views: 18
1) Search the forums for some great advice already given.
2) Shorten your resume to 2 pages max. There is no need to have restaurant experience on there when you have much more relevant experience. Similarly, if you feel it's important to list some of your chairside dental assistant skills (I think most should be left off), at least condense and shorten. Sometimes those hiring literally receive hundreds of resumes, and may simply give your resume a 10 second once over to decide if they even want to call you for an interview. Instead, highlight your RELEVANT revenue cycle skills and experience. Re-read for typos. I saw at least one (hint - it's called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
3) I believe as a CPC-A, you will have a hard time finding a remote and part time position. Even just one of those limits your options, and both will make it more difficult. It's not impossible, but you should temper your expectations and not get discouraged.
Good luck!!
Thank you so so very much for this advice. Im new to this forum so will be searching throughout. This resume includes all my experience in general. I have also been open to any new dental jobs or a part time server position if they are available during my job search. If a part time position was available, continue to work my current position. I absolutely love insurance and the office side of things why I chose this field of medical coding. This was also a way to grow and be able to support myself. After seven years in dental assisting, I cant without a second or new experience. Im willing to work hard. I dont think I realized how difficult a job search would be until I finished the program and certification. I am going to take this advice and completely update my resume. Thank you so very much for taking the time to go over it. This means the world! I’ll fill you in when I finish
I'll add if you are looking for multiple types of positions, you should have multiple resumes. Your resume if applying for a dental assistant position should highlight that work, and your resume if applying for a coding position should highlight the more relevant experience.
Many companies use programs to scan resumes and it does not even get looked at by a human unless it "passes" the computer scan. Put your best foot forward for whatever position you apply for.
I just recently obtained my certification as a CPC-A. Seeking any advice through this forum. I am seeking a part time remote position. I currently work as a dental assistant at a periodontal office in Ridgeland, MS. Attached is a copy of my resume. Willing to learn as much and to grow.

Thank yall so much!
Emily Herrington, CDA, CPC-A

Have you considered looking for a dental coding position? (This is a rhetorical question). Dental coders have to deal with regular medical coding though not to the same extent as one dedicated to the medical side.

The advice previously given is good. It sounds like you are all over the place with what you want. Focus. A lot of employers do not like their employees having another job.

If I were you I would direct my attention to large dental practices and dental billing companies that could utilize dental and medical coding services. When you get a position stay there for 3 years and if you decide you want to get more into the medical side at least you have some experience to show when you embark on searching for another position.
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