Wiki CPC-A pay range????


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I just pasted my CPC Certification and I want to make a career change. I do not have any experience in the Medical Field. What type of pay range should I expect? I live in Virginia Beach, VA. Please help!
It will vary on area and experience. I live in Michigan the small locate hospital just recently had any opening and I believe the pay scale maxed out at 17.42 an hour for experienced coders. I've read for my area that the average pay was something like 48,000 to 52,000 a yr full time. I personally haven't seen any jobs offering that much.
I'll be honest, as a new CPC with no medical experience, you should really just take any type of entry level HIM job and not worry about the pay.

I started out making $11.50 an hour, working a charge entry position, but I quickly gained experience and moved up. So, while it sucked making so little, it has totally paid off in the long run, as I now make $75K.

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC
I started out at $15/hr after graduating with an Associate's in HIT back in 2011. Another position after that was $12/hr. But now after getting my CPC, I am now making $19/hr.