Wiki Cpc-a - passed exam


Las Vegas, NV
Best answers
CPC-A means Nothing!!!

I passed school
I passed exam first time
CPC-A you can not even get a job, when you fill out application they want a certificate #.
well I have passed eveything but yet to get a certificate # untill u get hours and experience!!
ha ha ha ha ha good luck all you new grads. you need 2-5 years experience just to get looked at.
going to school and passing your exam means NOTHING.
Good luck to all

I know how you feel, I'm in the same boat. I'm applying for ANYTHING in healthcare just to get my foot in the door. My personal physican gave me a heads up that most physicians offices/hospitals, etc. hire coders from within, so if you at least get some sort of healthcare job then eventually you can apply for a coding job from within.....this is my goal; it's tough out there, I've been applying for 4 months and still looking, but I'm not going to give up, and neither should you! Good luck, hope this helps! --Saundra.