Wiki CPC-A Many years of experience, just certified. Preferably Remote or Cleveland Area


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CPC-A Experienced with years of coding, only recently certified.

As certification is important, the years of experience are far more important. Working on the job and learning different elements are what all employers are really looking for. You can not teach what can be learned everyday working with the charts, nurses and doctors. I have had the opportunity to do just that and bring with me knowledge and enthusiasm that only years, actually doing the work, can bring. The practices I have worked for did not require certification. Now that I have the certification, I am ready to get back to what I love and know best.
Please take a moment to review my resume and cover letter, and I am confident that you will realize that I am the individual that you have been looking for to fill the available position within your organization.

Thank you so very much for your time,

Melody C. Reilly, CPC

(preferably remote or Cleveland area,, willing to travel minimally)


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