Wiki CPC-A looking for remote coding, 4 months Experience

Suffolk, VA
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I am a military wife who graduated with ATD from NWFSC and passed my CPC Exam. I do intern work for podiatrist charting patients records, but would love the opportunity to do some coding. I can email you my resume and letters of recommendation from the doctor I intern for.

Eleanor Fling
You will most likely not be able to find a remote coding job with only a 4 month intern position and no actual hands on coding. Have you asked your manager if you can transition to claim follow up or charge entry? Something to give you daily exposure to codes and guidelines? Having this basic knowledge is invaluable. I work as an auditor, and am consistently amazed at some coders lack of simple/basic coding guidelines, or their lack of iniative to find answers.

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC