Wiki CPC-A Looking for Long Term position


Best answers
I just received CPC-A certification 2 months ago and I am looking for a position with either a Hospital or a physician's office in Houston, Texas. I have completed an Internship at a Cardiologist's office in the Medical Center. I am fluent in 4 languages and I am also a Master's Degree recipient. Please let me know where I can begin my career.
ASC coding

We are a surgical facility located in Houston, TX. If you are interested in ASC coding please fax your resume to 713-395-1579 - Attn Mary

Thank you so much for your reply.

I apologize for the late reply as I have been traveling on business.

I would very much like to work in ASC billing. May I still fax you my resume?

Kind regards,

Good Morning Mary-

I faxed my resume to the number you gave me. Could you let me know if you received it and also if you are still looking for an ASC coder?

Thank you so much.
