Wiki CPC-A looking for externship

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My name is Robin and I have recently passed the CPC medical coding exam. I am looking for a medical coding externship in order to gain real-world experience as a medical coder. I live in Salinas, CA and am looking for an externship in Salinas-Monterey area. I have many years experience as a dental receptionist/insurance billing. Thank you for your consideration.
I wonder if anyone reads such posts here.

I live in Ann Arbor, MI area and has applied to all externship facilities that are listed on AAPC website for my area. The application that I have sent in included a cover letter and a resume with all the details (not just simply asking them to appoint me), very professionally written. No responses so far from any. The phone numbers listed do not work at all. One phone simply takes voicemails, no replies back. I then went ahead and searched that facility for other administrative numbers, called and they again sent me back to the listed phone number. I am not sure how AAPC will come to our rescue here and get us some externship opportunity.

I am looking for externship in and around Ann Arbor, Novi, Livonia in MI state.

Thank you for listening.
