Wiki CPC-A looking for employment Richmond, VA

Chesterfield, VA
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Hello. My name is Tiffany Ellington. I have recently finished my coding course and passed the CPC exam. I am currently looking for employment in the Richmond, VA area. If anyone knows any employers out there looking for coders in my area or have any resources to find employment in my area, I would love to hear your suggestions or thoughts.

Thank you,
Tiffany Ellington
Do you have any medical office or related experience? I know there are a ton of recruiters out there, but most places are hungry for people with experience. My home health agency is looking for an additional coder, but my boss is still working out the requirements. Let me know if you have questions!
Apply in VCU HealthSystem. All the Best.

Hey there I have applied to two medical coder 1 positions at vcu and never made it to the interview process. On the online portal I received two messages stating "although you may have some of the credentials needed you were not selected for employment". I'm not sure exactly what vcu is looking for I have the medical background and I am now a certified coder. If you have any further resources or info you could give me about being a potential candidate I would love your feedbeack.
Thank you! You can also email me at