Wiki CPC-A looking for coding/billing career within 5 miles of Allentown, PA


Macungie, PA
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My name is Tiffany Speer. I have my CPC-A and going to school for an Assoicates in Applied Science for Health Information Technology. I plan to take my CCS and RHIT after obtaining my degree. I love the medical language. I want to dive into a medical record and abstract information for coding. I want to be able to justify claims to insurance companies by looking into the medical record for medical necessity. I want to mentored by an experience coder/biller and enhance my skills. I'm looking for a start in a great field. I have received a diploma in Medical Billing and Coding from Lincoln Technical Institute and a diploma in Health Care Coding from Lehigh Carbon Community College. I have the education--I just need the opportunity to gain experience.


  • Tiffany Speer's resume.doc
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