Wiki CPC-A looking for a chance


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I recently became a newly certified CPC-A in November. I applied for an ED coding position at my current employer however I was given a coding test that wasn't online nor multiple choice and I had an hour to complete it. I have NEVER coded as I'm an Administrative Assistant at a hospital so I didn't know how or where to begin to start coding those charts. What advice do you have for someone like me to pass the coding test(s)? Do you know of any entry level coding positions for CPC-A? What avenues, resources are you using to overcome this obstacle of no experience?

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Sonya, CPC-A, CBCS

I haven't personally used it, but you might look into AAPC's Practicode if you can afford to dish out the $300 for it. My understanding is that it gives examples of charts you would see in the real-world setting for you to code. Also, upon completion you're able to use that as one year of experience towards getting your A dropped. I've seen many posts about how it can be a little glitchy or they have incorrect or outdated codes as answers, so if it something you're considering you might reach out to people on the forum that have experience with it.

Hope that helps!