Wiki CPC-A in Gainesville, GA seeking employment

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My name is Sierra Spencer and I have recently obtained my CPC-A license. I am looking for a full-time or part-time position as a CPC. I'm not a stranger to hard work and work extremely well with others. Any and all help is appreciated.


  • Sierra's Resume August 2012.doc
    34 KB · Views: 19

Do you happen to attend your local chapter meetings? Your local chapter officers and meetings are a great place to start! I see you are in Gainesville, GA and I know they have a great chapter! They also have a facebook page that you may want to visit and "like".

Take your resume with you to the chapter meetings, you never know who you will meet that may have a job opening. Your chapter may also post job openings that they know of or maybe even talk about them during chapter meetings.

Best of luck to you.