Wiki CPC-A Coding Positions

Show Low, AZ
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I recently recieved my CPC-A certification and am having difficulty finding employment in Arizona. Any advince or recomendations would be greatly appreciated.

Kristen D.
My best advice is to look for non coding HIM jobs, something in registration, account rep, claim follow up, charge entry, etc. Something to get your foot in the door, gain experience (daily use of ICD 9 and CPT) and then move up to a coding job. That is how most of us started out.

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC
have faith!

I received my CPC-A certification in April and was about to lose all hope that someone would give me a chance to gain experience.

Over the past few months I had applied to over 15 positions at both the local hospitals, as well as all theing! I had applied for jobs i thought i was under qualified for, over qualified for, and jobs that were receptionists etc.

I interviewed on May 1st for a Physician Coding position -- i called back a few times but the last time I had called to check on my status was probably the 20th of May... So i called back yesterday to tell them that I was still interested if the position was still available... they called today and offered it to me.

Just try to get in to as many places as possible

Good luck :)