Wiki CPC-A and ICD-10 Certified


Elkhart, IN
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I am looking for a coding position that will allow me to grow within the coding field. I recieved my CPC certification June of 2013 and passed the ICD-10 test March 14, 2014. Everywhere I look, companies want someone with 2-3 years experience. I've been working in cardiovascular handling charges that the physicians enter for the past year and a half. I learn quick and am eager. I haven't been able to obtain a coding position due to not having 2-3 years of experience, but how am I to get the experience if companies won't give a newer coder the chance of obtaining experience?

Please feel free to email me at
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Hi kristimc434,

I understand just how you feel. I am a new coder also and I'm having a difficult time finding a job. Like you said everyone wants you to have so much experiance, but they have a position not filled and won't give you a chance. How are we to get to that point if nobody gives us a chance. My employer has an opening that has been open for at least 3 years. They would not even let me do my externship there. I told them that if they hired me and trained me then they would have a person for the position. That didn't work. But good luck to you in finding what you are looking for.
CPC and ICD 10 certified

Have you tried applying for Vanderbilt? I know they are hiring and you can start out there with no experience or little experience if you are certified and ICD 10 certified is a plus too. Try there and tell them Crystal sent you!!:)