Wiki CPB and COC-A looking for permanent, full time remote


Danville, Ky
Best answers
I have 30 years medical experience in Diagnostic Imaging. I already have CPB and COC-A and I am looking for a full time, permanent, remote coding job. ICD-10 Proficiency has been completed. I need hands on experience. I have never coded or done billing, but passed the COC the first time, and the CPB on the second try. I see a lot of experienced coders that can not pass after two attempts.

I am a quick learner and have used many different computer softwares during my medical career. Medical computer technology is constantly changing too. I have a home office set up with high speed DSL.

I am currently using Meditec EMR, but I am also familiar with paper charts. I have worked in a physician office, an out patient clinic and hospitals and am familiar with many procedures.

Send me a message and link to send my resume. Thanks!
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