Wiki Covid Testing ICD10


Plymouth, MA
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I need to confirm what codes we need to use in an office setting testing for Covid. I thought it was going to be the Z11.52 now that the PHE is over but I read it needs to be either Z03.818 Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out or Z20.828 Contact with & suspected exposure to other viral communicable diseases. Please help!
I am wondering about this as well. Signs and symptoms coded for the Covid testing of course but would we use the Z20.822 or Z11.52 now that the PHE is over? Especially for like pre op testing? Can't find anything out on Google at this time. Thanks!
Can we use the code (Z11.52) after May 11th or are we to wait until it is effective on October 1st , 2023??


As a result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ending on May 11, 2023, the FY24 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting will be revised to state that code Z11.52, Encounter for screening for COVID-19, should be assigned for encounters for screening for COVID-19 infection. This guideline change will become effective October 1, 2023.
In the Er setting there is confusion when to use the 2- z codes. Do we use z1152 ? Does the Er Physician need to say "suspected or contact" to use the z code z20822?
Effective, Oct.1, 2023, Z11.52 is to be used for Covid screening. Yes, the provider would need to state something like, "rule out Covid, rule out viral infection", as examples. Otherwise, the Covid screening is just a lab, which we would not report