Wiki Covid-19 Results


Winchester, KY
Best answers
We have tested for Covid-19. The results will be given to our patients by phone when we receive them. When calling and notifying our patients can we bill that as a telehealth visit for giving/explaining test results?
Thank you for the help!
No, for several reasons.
1) If by telehealth, you mean 99201-99215 modifier -95, that requires a VIDEO connection (per CMS; private carriers may differ)
2) If by telehealth, you mean telephone 99441-99443, those are not to be used if related to an E/M within the prior 7 days. I would imagine you are billing a visit when the patient comes in and you evaluate them.
3) Telehealth and telephone visits were intended to replace in person visits. Would you typically have a patient return to the office for test results? Probably not, unless maybe it's a really bad result and you need to develop a treatment plan, etc. I know my doctors never have me return to the office to discuss bloodwork results. Telehealth and telephone visits also need to be PATIENT initiated.
4) Let's assume you didn't bill an E/M within 7 days, the patient initiated the service, and (pre-covid) you had patients return for another visit (I won't get into the medical necessity debate of that now.) The shortest time for 99441 is 5-10 minutes. I cannot imagine it takes 5-10 minutes if you tell a patient "Your test was negative." Or even "You tested positive. Remain in quarantine for x days, check your temperature, family members may want to get tested, and go to the nearest ER if you have having difficulty breathing."

I will also state in most practices, it is not the physician calling with test results (especially negative ones). Usually a nurse, sometimes a medical assistant.
No, for several reasons.
1) If by telehealth, you mean 99201-99215 modifier -95, that requires a VIDEO connection (per CMS; private carriers may differ)
2) If by telehealth, you mean telephone 99441-99443, those are not to be used if related to an E/M within the prior 7 days. I would imagine you are billing a visit when the patient comes in and you evaluate them.
3) Telehealth and telephone visits were intended to replace in person visits. Would you typically have a patient return to the office for test results? Probably not, unless maybe it's a really bad result and you need to develop a treatment plan, etc. I know my doctors never have me return to the office to discuss bloodwork results. Telehealth and telephone visits also need to be PATIENT initiated.
4) Let's assume you didn't bill an E/M within 7 days, the patient initiated the service, and (pre-covid) you had patients return for another visit (I won't get into the medical necessity debate of that now.) The shortest time for 99441 is 5-10 minutes. I cannot imagine it takes 5-10 minutes if you tell a patient "Your test was negative." Or even "You tested positive. Remain in quarantine for x days, check your temperature, family members may want to get tested, and go to the nearest ER if you have having difficulty breathing."

I will also state in most practices, it is not the physician calling with test results (especially negative ones). Usually a nurse, sometimes a medical assistant.
Thank you very much!!!!!