Wiki COVID -19 in office testing

Waterford, MI
Best answers
Our office is looking into providing B & D point of service antigen COVID-19 testing for our patients (CPT code 87426). We are in Michigan and BCBS is showing reimbursement for this test is only $15 (less than our cost). Is anyone else doing this testing? Is that an accurate reimbursement amount (hoping because its a new test maybe Web Denis reimbursement isn't updated)? Any input on this subject is greatly appreciated!!
Have a great weekend and stay healthy :)
"Point of service" usually means rapid, or non-laboratory test. 87426 is a lab test.

I was going to post some more info, but I am not clear if you are doing a laboratory test or a POC rapid test.
Hello, everyone. We are thinking about offering this rapid test as well (CPT 87426). I know the CPT code has been approved by CMS but since there is no reimbursement yet, are we allowed to bill Medicare and commercially insurance patients as self pays if they want to or do we have to submit claims and hope they pay more than our cost?
Thank you