Wiki Counting HPI


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I hope someone can help me. After many years of coding I have a nagging question in my mind concerning the counting of the location, duration, severity, etc in the HPI.

When I was studying, I thought I read that no matter how many Complaints each complaint had it's own HPI. You could add these together to get the number of HPI. An example would be:
1) complaint: Low back, pain= 2 HPI,
2) complaint: rt arm, rash,2 days =3 HPI
Total for this patient would be: 5 HPI.

Then I went to work for a company and was told that each complaint had its own HPI and that you don't add these together that if one of the complaints didn't have a total of 4 elements (location, duration, etc.) that could be counted then you wouldn't have a 99203 for a new patient since you need all 3 (HPI, Exam and MDM) for this code. If all three complaints, singly, only had 3 bullets you could add them together to get 9 HPI! Now that the EMA (EMR's) have begun to surface, I notice that the programs add the bullets of HPI together and sometimes with 2 complaints there will be a total of 8 bullets.

SOOOOO now my question is which is right:
1) add all the bullets from every complaint together to get a total HPI
2) are each complaint individual and the bullets can not be added together to get 4+ for the higher level of HPI.

Any responses, as soon as possible, is much appreciated, Thanks for your help. :confused:
The way I have been trained and the way it has been done in each company I have worked for (which has been only 3) and the way I current train the providers with their dication is:

The HPI requires at least 4 elements in order to meet comprehensive. The elements are as follows:

Location (no matter how many locations it only equals as 1)
Modifying Factor
Assosicate Signs and symptoms (no matter how many signs and symptoms it only equals as 1 element)

I follow the E&M work sheet that our local medicare carrier offers. Hope this helps.
