Wiki Counting bullets


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Is a "soft, non-tender" abdomen one bullet or two? Is a "supple, non-tender" neck one bullet or two? I was always taught that soft, non-tender and supple, non-tender are both 1 bullet, then you would go on to mention hepatosplenomegaly, or thyromegaly, etc... as your second bullet. My docs argue that they are fulfilling the requirement with the first statements. Opinions please! Thanks! :)
Let's take a look at the 1997 Multi-system Examination bullets specifically:

  • Examination of abdomen with notation of presence of masses or tenderness
  • Examination of liver and spleen
  • Examination for presence or absence of hernia
  • Examination (when indicated) of anus, perineum and rectum, including sphincter tone, presence of hemorrhoids, rectal masses
  • Obtain stool sample for occult blood test when indicated

So would not "soft, non-tender" fall under the first bullet alone? = 1 bullet
A bullet is a single item as it is listed by the '97 DG template.

Unless the carrier defines a bullet differently such as Novitas; a bullet could be 1 for soft and 1 for non-tender by the example of the 4 x 4 exam.

A supple neck is credited towards the lymphatic system typically.