Wiki Count Previous Exam


Local Chapter Officer
Kasson, MN
Best answers
I have a provider who noted "Please refer to my previous exam for full physical examination." This previous exam was performed 1 month prior to the current visit. Does that seem appropriate to count those elements? It doesn't seem like it would be to me. It basically changes the level of the exam from 99214 to 99212.

I think the exam should be completed each time, but maybe the ROS adn PFSH, even maybe HPI could be completed at a previous visit.

Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

The exam should be from the DOS. Only the ROS and PFSH can be referred to from another date, as long as the date is indicated in the chart and the provider appropriately documents any (if) changes.
Agree with Melissa

How could the provider know if there were any changes from the last exam without performing a current one? The patient can't give that kind of information to the physician as the patient doesn't do an exam on herself! This type of documentation is certainly a red flag, as this doesn't show if an exam was done today.
Thank you both. You confirmed the exact thoughts that I was having and will address it appropriately with the provider.

Thanks again.