Wiki Coumadin Clinic question


Rome, GA
Best answers
The nurses in the Coumadin Clinics take many calls each day from home health agencies who are in the home and doing finger stick INRs. They then have to give guidance to the home health nurse regarding dose changes, as well as ask questions related to diet, medications, etc when regulating the dose. Is there a way that we can bill for these interventions? Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi Peggy,

I would recommend calling Medicare to see if this is something that can be done. Are you obtaining any reimbursement from the Home Health Agency for performing the services?

When say nurse are you referring to RNs? An RN cannot make dosage changes she can relate provider information, and this is not reimbursable with any code at this time. This is encompassed with care plan over site codes, you should look at those if your provider is not currently documenting care plan over site.